Charging Lockers

Personal Storage

KeyTracker’s intelligent lockers offer personal item storage that can be fitted into organisations and places of work for when colleagues, students or members of the public need a solution to keep their belongings safe and secure. Charging lockers enable individuals to use a compartment for a period of time with a hassle-free service, leaving and retrieving their electronics or personal items easily.

Our cutting-edge technology means our lockers have software installed so that their use can be tracked and monitored; cameras, QR codes, and touchscreen make using our charging lockers extra secure. Our lockers can be used without cost or installed for charging the public. There are also options to pre-register for use, with apps or via a website. You can hire or buy our locker systems, and they’re suited to all sectors and organisations that need asset management.

Who Benefits From Charging Lockers?


In the education sector, students, as well as staff would benefit from our charging lockers. If you find yourself running low on charge on your laptop, or phone and need to top up, then leave your devices in a safe spot while they recharge. They can be great for universities, colleges and even schools where staff use tablets and laptops.


Offices that rely on technology and devices can rest assured knowing that devices are ready for each and every day. They can also be used for personal items that staff can leave in a locker compartment for a period of time until ready to collect.


For restaurants, cafes and more that rely on tablets for making orders, can benefit greatly from charging lockers. You can close up for the day, knowing your tablets are charging safely and securely for the next day. Be prepared for your business, with KeyTracker’s charging lockers.

Leisure Centres/Gyms

For the leisure sector, our personal item storage can be used for visitors to safely store their devices and charge up. Headphones, phones, tablets and watches can be charged while in the gym, or in a class. Our charging lockers are convenient and bring effortless solutions as well as minimal disruption.

Retail Centres

For malls and shopping centres, shoppers can leave their phones to charge up while they shop and return to their belongings fully powered. Our lockers aim to provide people with easy-to-use and access storage solutions. We also have larger lockers for bigger belongings, enabling users to drop and collect.

To learn more about our lockers and the sectors they benefit, read here.

Why KeyTracker?

KeyTracker are dedicated to finding the best solutions for storage, key management and securing assets. Our charging lockers are convenient and affordable, meaning you can get on with your work, or plans stress-free. Our products are reliable and our team install them so that they work efficiently and are safely secured. Our lockers are customisable to your needs, so if you’re looking for more secure management of assets, then there is software and different locking systems to choose from. Access can be granted via pins, scans, cards, keys and more. For contactless dealing of assets and out-of-hours collection, choose KeyTracker charging lockers.

Contact Us

To learn more about our locker solutions, get in touch! Our team are always on hand to discuss our products and help you find what you’re looking for. Request a no-obligation quote or a demonstration today.

Charging Locker