Key Inventory System

Are you tired of the hassle and headaches associated with managing your organisation's keys? Say goodbye to lost keys, unauthorised access, and inefficient tracking methods.

Reliable Key Inventory

Key management or a key inventory system allows an organisation or business to be more organised and reduce risks of loss or theft, therefore improving efficiency and productivity. KeyTracker supply a variety of key inventory systems, appropriate for all sectors, no matter their size or number of keys, so that businesses can track their keys more easily, and even decrease the need for certain administration tasks.

The Benefits of KeyTracker’s Key Inventory Systems

Mechanical Systems

With an easy-to-operate mechanical key inventory system, very little time is required to complete the process of storing, replacing or removing the keys. Our peg-in, peg-out systems for example, are simple but effective at tracing who is in possession of the key at present.

Our mechanical systems offer affordable solutions. Not only are you future-proofing your organisation from misplacing keys, but you’re also investing in a method that’s fairly priced and brings you many benefits.

Our Mechanical Key Inventory operations are very low maintenance and will last for a very long time. Without the need for electricity, they operate without fail.

We have a variety of mechanical cabinets with key boards or peg-in boards to hook in. Convenient and secure methods of key inventory that will improve the efficiency of your key tracking and security.

Electronic Systems

With advanced technology, our electronic cabinets can be installed to provide multiple functions as well as just key inventory. Our product boasts a user-friendly design with sleek enclosures that seamlessly integrate into your modern workspace, complete with built-in battery backup for uninterrupted functionality.

For extra security, our lockers can be made accessible to only authorised persons. With thumbprints, facial recognition and personal IDs.

We also provide software solutions to enhance the performance of electronic lockers so that you can track every event and build reports on your key management.

Flexible Key Inventory Systems

Our key inventory systems provide versatility and adaptability in managing and tracking keys for businesses, as they’re designed to accommodate various needs. Improving workflow, environment and customisable options, our mechanical and electrical products can also scale up or down to accommodate the growth of your organisation. Our products are available to rent, lease or purchase and you can ‘try before you buy’ to make sure they work for your organisation. Our team offer comprehensive support services and training resources to assist users in implementing, configuring, and optimising the system for their specific needs.

Read Our Case Studies

Read our case studies here to see how our products improved the functionality of key management in various organisations. We have many success stories, where our products seamlessly integrated into the running of different industries, and enhanced the security of assets and key management. Browse KeyTracker’s products today!

Don’t hesitate to contact our team today to discuss our products in more detail and try out a key inventory system that suits you and your needs. We’ll assist you in your choosing of products to ensure you’re happy with the decision.