Managing Automotive Keys
The automotive sector is vast and includes an extensive range of businesses from small time car dealerships to large scale dealerships, logistics companies and factories.
KeyTracker have been supplying the automotive sector with efficient key management solutions for decades, helping to ensure that all keys are kept safe and secure at all times, with complete transparency and reporting on who access keys, when and form where.
IF you are in need of managing automotive keys, get in touch with KeyTracker today for help in finding the right solution for your unique needs.
Keys in the Automotive Sector
Automotive is cars; but in business, this also includes showrooms, fleets, delivery vehicles, factories, all on top of the cars themselves. With so many keys to think about and manage, a simple, manmade system is not going to be sufficient, creating a loss of assets and human error is auditing when needed. Automotive businesses must ensure that every key is accounted for at all times to be clear that every car is accounted for, and they are not loosing assets or access to important areas of buildings or factories.
With this in mind, KeyTracker have developed a number of key management solutions to help businesses like this keep track of all of their keys, across the entire business, without hindering the daily flow of business and reducing the risk of losing keys and assets.
- Electronic key cabinets: These give enhanced security for your keys, giving access to authorised personnel only. This reduces the risk of loss or theft and ensures that there is full transparency across the board for your tagged keys and assets.
- For smaller automotive businesses, mechanical systems can also be a valid solution, again giving security for your keys and assets, and a clear tracking of who has what asset or key at any given time.
- Magnetic Blocks and Boards: These are ideal for the automotive sector, securing a magnet block to a car and giving identity to it and its key with ease.
For all cabinets, accessories can be supplied from KeyTracker, meaning that when you purchase a cabinet from us, you can also purchase the necessary tags, keyrings or numbered hangers too.
KeyTracker’s History in Helping Automotives
KeyTracker have worked to help the automotive sector for many years, helping big and small businesses keep their assets and keys secure. Some case studies include:
- Arden Maidstone BMW
- Big Motoring World
- Car Planet
- Doves Volve Horsham
- Renault Retail Group
- Tesla
- Western Nissan.
Find out more about how KeyTracker has helped with automotive industry, alongside a range of other industries; read our case studies online.
Contact KeyTracker for Automotive Support
If you would like to know more about any of our products, you can find our range online, or reach out to our expert team today. We have offices across the country and throughout the world, helping everyone wherever they are.
You can contact us online directly or give your local KeyTracker office a call.
If you would like to find out more about our partner options, you can also explore these online and get in touch with us today to get started.