Property & Estates Security & Management

The industry of Property & Estates is vast and ever-growing throughout the UK. This sector includes estate management professionals, residential letting agencies and larger commercial agencies, all of whom require extensive security and management of their keys.

Within the property and estates sector, keys become a part of daily business with various properties to manage whilst trying to sell. This is where KeyTracker can help with your key and asset management, maximising your daily operations and productivity.

Key & Asset Management in Property & Estates

When in control of a vast number of keys and assets, it can be a daunting task to keep on top of who has what and when. There is always a risk of theft or loss without the correct management systems in place.

KeyTracker offers a wide range of options to help you control and manage your assets efficiently and with ease. From mechanical to electronic systems, cabinets and accessories, there is a system that can work for your business.

Case Studies: Douglas & Gordon, Parkheath and Savills

Over the years, KeyTracker have helped provide solutions to a wide range of businesses within the Property & Estates sector, including Douglas & Gordon, Parkheath and Savills.

Douglas & Gordon are a London based estate agency with 17 branches London-wide. Having managed keys for a number of years with simple hooks and cupboards, it became apparent that this was no longer a viable management option. With this in mind, they contacted KeyTracker to help provide a solution for their branches. 17 mechanical systems were installed across each branch the help manage their keys and assets efficiently, maximising their time throughout the day too.

Parkheath, an award winning residential sales and letting specialist, found a problem within their existing operations when it came to managing the keys for their property portfolio. Having over 1000 keys to manage for high end Northwest London properties, it was vital for them to update their management systems internally. They installed 6 of KeyTracker’s mechanical systems with cloud based Key Control Software. This helped them to secure their keys and assets with ease, manage them at all times both on and off-site, and ensure that authorisation was granted where and when appropriate.

Savills is a world leader in the property agent sector with offices across America, Europe and beyond. Their previous systems for key management were no longer meeting their requirements for security and they therefore needed to find a better, more secure management system. Having contacted KeyTracker, they were able to find the perfect solution to their security needs, installing mechanical systems with key control software. This provided them with security for their keys, efficiency in daily operation and gave more accountability across their teams.

Douglas Gordon Logo
Parkheath Logo
Savills Logo

Security from KeyTracker

All of the clients mentioned above installed a KeyTracker mechanical system to help aid their daily business. Mechanical systems include KeyTracker’s peg-in, peg-out boards, mechanical lockers with digital locks, magnetic boards and blocks and the required access and retention pegs. Our boards can be hooked into cabinets which also offers extra security.

Alternatively, KeyTracker offer electronic systems known as E-Track. These systems come in a variety of sizes, giving you the option for your business. These systems are designed with high levels of security in mind, providing ease of use and traceability.

KeyTracker also offer RFiD loss prevention systems, accessories cabinets and more.

Contact KeyTracker

No matter your business needs, KeyTracker have a solution for you. From small business systems to extensive, large security options, we can help improve your key and asset management business-wide.

If you cannot find the answers you are looking for online, why not give your local KeyTracker a call today? Our team can help find the right product and accessories for you.