DLG Auto Services
DLG Auto Services has been repairing approximately 90,000 accident damaged vehicles each year within over 22 cities since starting operations back in 1995. The company takes pride in knowing that their service team are highly skilled in what they do as they invest in their team’s progression, making sure they get the correct training and equipment to provide the best service possible, to their customers.
Before being introduced to Keytracker, DLG Auto Services had an old key cabinet where they would hang up their keys in register order. This process didn’t provide the company with the type of security that they were looking for, so once discovering Keytracker they decided to enquire about what they could do for the repair company.
After consulting with a member of Keytracker’s sales team, DLG decided to purchase a mechanical system for that added security for their site vehicles. Not only are their vehicle keys in ana organised and secure space but they’re now able to monitor them and will instantly know when a key is missing in addition to who has that specific key.
“The benefits of Keytracker’s systems are the ease of use, security, and speed of location. Keytracker are great, they’re always on hand to help and I’ll be recommending them to our other sites. Just do it! You won’t regret the decision to switch.”