London Borough of Newham Council

The London Borough of Newham Council is the local authority for East Ham and West Ham. For nearly 60 years, the council has been dedicated to serving their community and trying to provide the best possible care and support for them. They aim to transform the council so that it is fit for purpose for the 21st Century and able to deliver optimal services for their residents within the framework of good governance and transparency.   


Before being introduced to KeyTracker’s key management system, the London Borough of Newham Council had adopted a process involving a wooden key cupboard with keys on metal hooks but no lock on the cupboard doors. Every day, the staff would sign out their keys on A4 paper. This process was very insecure and allowed for a common theme of human error, such as keys not being returned on time, people forgetting to sign keys in or out and also the risk of keys being misplaced or stolen.


To solve this issue, the London Borough of Newham council contacted a KeyTracker sales team member and, after careful consideration, decided to purchase the electronic key cabinet. With KeyTracker’s key management solution, the organisation has complete control over every key transaction. As a result of the system, they never have to waste time searching for one specific key ever again; they can press the button of which key they want to retrieve, and that’s it! All authorised users now have quick and straightforward access to all keys with no hassle. 

“The best thing about the key management solution is the audit trail, which logs all key related activities. I know there is an initial cost, depending on what size cabinet is required, but, in my opinion, this is the best investment Newham Council has made. I want to thank Lisa Brannan for all her help over the recent years.” 

Time efficient solutions for key management with KeyTracker

Improved Efficiency

secure solutions with KeyTracker

Increased Security

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Ready to take control of your keys and assets with KeyTracker? Don't wait any longer - get in touch with us today! Whether you're looking to enhance security, streamline operations, or boost efficiency, our team is here to help. Contact us now to learn more about our innovative solutions and discover how KeyTracker can transform your business. Let's unlock success together!