
Investing in any of KeyTracker’s key and asset management systems would allow retail businesses to operate effectively without worrying whether important keys or assets are in a secure location and out of the public’s reach or unauthorised personnel. Secure the keys to your “Staff Only” rooms or display cabinets. Suppose your staff members need a safe location for their items or a secure charging space for equipment. In that case, KeyTracker has just the thing.

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KeyTracker's mechanical and electronic systems would allow for efficient management of important retail keys and eliminate the ongoing costs associated with replacing missing keys or valuable equipment. KeyTracker's RFID Mapping solution will enable you to automatically monitor the whereabouts of all tagged equipment across all mapped-out areas.

Alternatively, KeyTracker's Intelligent Locker Solutions can provide a secure electronic storage space for your keys, equipment, or personal items. Our solutions are scalable and customisable to your preferences.

Padlock Storage Bar

Electronic Storage and Tracking in Retail

Maintain your authority over retail keys and assets so that you never have to compromise on security. KeyTracker’s electronic lockers are the perfect solution for efficient retail management with systems that can safely lock and store individual keys. Need to lock away devices or tablets that you use daily? We have lockers for assets that have charging points as well as an in-built tracking system so you can hold employees accountable if anything is misplaced. With intelligent lockers that use fingerprint access, face recognition, or key codes for permitted access. So, supermarkets, independent stores or large retail centres will all benefit from our lockers, cabinets, and accessories for better key management.

Supporting Efficient Operations in Retail

In the fast-paced world of retail, efficiency is key. Lost time searching for keys translates to lost sales and frustrated customers. Eliminate wasted time tracking down misplaced items or keys with a streamlined key cabinet solution. Our e-track software also gives your companies the option to track who has a key, who last used it and where it is at a certain time.

Depending on the size of your store and the number of staff, there are options for electronic and mechanical KeyTracker solutions that address the complexity of your security needs. Investing in our key security systems is investing in peace of mind and guaranteed efficiency in the workplace. Create a smooth operation and provide a better customer experience as well as additional benefits.

RFID Mapping for Tracking Pathways

In-store key tracking uses strategically placed RFID readers hidden throughout your retail space to quickly retrieve data. Each key receives a unique RFID tag, allowing the system to pinpoint its location in real-time as staff members carry it around. This translates to boosted efficiency. The constant tracking minimises the risk of lost or stolen keys, safeguarding your store and inventory. Plus, effortless key handoffs between shifts become a reality, ensuring smooth operation throughout the day.

Read our blog on secure asset management in retail

How KeyTracker Can Help

manage your key systems efficiently with keytracker

Improved Efficiency

Increase security with keytracker

Improved Security

increase productivity with KeyTracker solutions

Improved Productivity

KeyTracker solutions for key tracking in real time

Faster Services

Product Range

Case Studies

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Get in Touch

Ready to take control of your keys and assets with KeyTracker? Don't wait any longer - get in touch with us today! Whether you're looking to enhance security, streamline operations, or boost efficiency, our team is here to help. Contact us now to learn more about our innovative solutions and discover how KeyTracker can transform your business. Let's unlock success together!